
I recommend having fillers to enhance cheekbones.

Cheek contouring is versatile for not just cheekbone enhancement but a treatment that will soften the under-eye area, re-volume cheek pads and support the upper and lower face, acting effectively as scaffolding, which in turn reduces sagging areas and the lines it causes. Additionally fillers in the cheeks improve the overall skin elasticity.

Benefits of larger cheekbones include a more youthful shape, by making cheeks wide than the lower part of the face, known as the triangle of youth rather than as happens with age the lower part of the face becomes wide than the cheeks.

Another benefit of enlarged cheeks is to pull the lower face taughter so reducing the appearance of saggy skin such as jowls.

A further hidden benefit offillers is the Hyaluronic acid within fillers, which is substance that is naturally present in the human body. as the filler breaks down over time it releases the hyaluronic acid which helps moisturise the skin from within.

Hyaluronic acid is a hydrophilic molecule which literally means “water loving”. It’s this quality that serves its main function to absorb water and retain moisture in the skin. This reducesthe appearance of fine lines and improves the general appearance of the skin.